Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DIY Lamp Shade

So I read a lot of blogs (a lot) and there are tons of great ideas out there! So last week I borrowed the idea of a do it yourself lamp shade from High-Heeled Foot in the Door, now Effortless Style.

I love the idea of taking a table runner to recover a lamp shade to make it look custom made!

First I bought all the items I needed: a drum lamp shade and a table runner (on clearance from World Market).

Then I gathered the basic supplies: glue gun, safety pins, and scissors.

After measuring the length I needed for my lamp shades I cut the runner into 2 pieces. I then carefully pinned the material on the lamp shade to get my pattern and pleats just so. I first glued the bottom portion on the shade since it was larger than the top, then I proceeded to tighten my pleats and pins already in place. I lightly steamed the pleats, then I proceeded to glue the top portion.

And viola! I have custom lamp shades.

So this set of lamp shades cost me $47 to make total. I am so excited that I video chatted with my mom to show her my creation. Yes I am just that much of a geek.

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